
Review: Hiroshima/Miyajima Food

Review: Hiroshima/Miyajima Food

When you're in Japan, one of the things you have to do is try out the food. Especially regional specialties. Practically every prefecture has their own special produce and even within towns and cities there might be variances. Let's start with a food review of what we had in Hiroshima/Miyajima. Be prepared for lots of food pics and preferably don't continue scrolling on an empty stomach lol! 

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Review: The Rocks Teppanyaki by Kobe Jones

Review: The Rocks Teppanyaki by Kobe Jones

So while we were looking for a degustation place for Michael's parents' Christmas present I managed to Google up some Groupon deals for The Rocks Teppanyaki. Obviously I'd never heard of the place before but most of the reviews online seemed positive and I have to admit that the menu posted for an 11-course meal sounded pretty delicious. Japanese and kaiseki? I was hooked. We decided not to get them for the parents but opted to get it for ourselves instead as my birthday dinner treat! :P

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Double Sweet Potato Bun


This is 'Tina!

This section of the blog will be all about food! Because I love food - both cooking and eating it lol :)

It's been a long time since I've done a lot of baking because I got lazy after a while in Singapore and I didn't do much for the first couple months after we came back to Sydney. Recently, a baking frenzy has hit home and I've been churning out quite a few goodies (if I do say so myself).

Today's post will be about sweet potato bread. While Michael and I were in Japan, we found purple sweet potato powder in a supermarket selling lots of foreign imported stuff. I think it was a supermarket selling stuff for baking as they had lots items for baking. We decided to buy it on a whim because we didn't think we would be able to get something like this in Sydney.

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