
Double Sweet Potato Bun


This is 'Tina!

This section of the blog will be all about food! Because I love food - both cooking and eating it lol :)

It's been a long time since I've done a lot of baking because I got lazy after a while in Singapore and I didn't do much for the first couple months after we came back to Sydney. Recently, a baking frenzy has hit home and I've been churning out quite a few goodies (if I do say so myself).

Today's post will be about sweet potato bread. While Michael and I were in Japan, we found purple sweet potato powder in a supermarket selling lots of foreign imported stuff. I think it was a supermarket selling stuff for baking as they had lots items for baking. We decided to buy it on a whim because we didn't think we would be able to get something like this in Sydney.

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